With the amendment in 'Consumer Protection Act 2019' the pecuniary jurisdiction of the Consumer Courts have been revised. Consequently nearly all medical matters would be at District commissions.
Additionally with a shift towards E-filing and hearing by video conferencing it would be possible for Dr. Sunil Khattri and Associates to help their PAN INDIA clients from Delhi itself.
Providing seamless legal services across India

MD FICOG (Obstetrics and Gynecology)

Dr (Brigadier) Sukesh Kathpalia an alumnus of Armed Forces Medical College Pune has long experience in practice and teaching of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
He has obtained interpersonal counselling, RCH He obtained training in Interpersonal Counselling. He is a strong believer that the patients get cured and recover better and faster if they are explained about their medical conditions hence, he spends a great deal of time in explaining and counselling. Patients feel comfortable and at ease after the counselling sessions. Resource person for counseling soft skills and gender sensitization.
Diploma Programme in Medico Legal Systems